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There should be no such thing as boring mathematics

Mathematics is an essential area of teaching and learning at Boronia Heights Primary School. We are passionate about delivering innovative learning experiences that support all learners in acquiring the necessary skills required when reasoning, problem solving and demonstrating understanding of mathematical situations in the classroom, at home and in the broader environment.

Engagement in learning allows students to thrive. At BHPS we differentiate our teaching and assessment to get the best from and for our students, whilst catering for all learning abilities. Open ended and problem-solving tasks afford opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge beyond the specific concept being taught. 

Quality lessons give students many opportunities to practise and master the concrete, pictorial, and abstract phases of development for each maths concept, experiences that are essential for our students to learn successfully. Our Mathematics Instructional Model ensures a consistent and data responsive approach to the teaching and learning of numeracy, a model which recognises fundamental learning stages in student development. Students receive five hours of maths per week planned from the Victorian Curriculum and inclusive of the content strands:

  • Number and Algebra 
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability

These strands describe the concepts being taught and learnt and provide the basis for our mathematics curriculum.

Alongside these strands the four proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are also explicitly taught. Student progress is measured against the standards outlined in the Victorian Curriculum using diagnostic testing.  This strong focus on assessment ensures that the teaching and learning experiences are targeted to meet the needs of every student.

School and Home Partnerships

At home, as parents you can have a measurable impact on your child’s mindset toward Mathematics and the partnership and relationship between school and home is essential.

At home it is important that Mathematics skills are modelled in a positive, fun and enjoyable way. Students who enter the classroom with a positive outlook towards Maths, come with an open-minded mindset making learning new concepts less challenging. Modelling a positive attitude to children from a young age and working with the school in supporting a love learning is vital in building the foundations for students to become independent, problem solvers, critical thinkers and lifelong learners in Numeracy.

Ways to engage your child in Numeracy:

  • Cooking (measuring, addition, subtraction, multiplication)
  • Board and card games (mastery of maths strategies)
  • Helping with the shopping (addition, Multiplication)
  • Discussing the time and calendars (Measurement)
  • Building and construction activities (Geometry)
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