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Principal’s Report

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End of Term 3

Now that we are at the end of Term 3, I thought it would be good to reflect on the term and highlight some memorable moments.

The major theme running throughout the term has been the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The kids have learned about the history of the Games, beginning all the way back to the origins of the Games in Ancient Greece up until the most recent Games in Paris. They’ve learned about all the different sports, countries, national flags, national anthems, legendary athletes and cities that have hosted the Games. Many of these activities have been done in multi-age groups consisting of students from all year levels. The Opening Ceremony and Mini Olympics afternoons were special highlights which I’m sure the kids will remember fondly for the rest of their lives.

Other highlights of the term were:

  • Prep students celebrated 100 Days of School
  • Visits by Councillor Jude Dwight and Jackson Taylor MP to speak to the Year 6 students about our systems of government
  • Select students involved in the Victorian High Abilities Program (VHAP), ICAS assessments and Maths Olympiad.
  • Year 2 visit to the MCG and Sports Museum
  • District Athletics
  • Year 6 German graduation celebration
  • Book Week including dress up day, book fair and “Maybe a Miracle” performance
  • Year 5 camp to Sovereign Hill Ballarat
  • Year 4 Bicycle checks by Dr Cranky

Donation of plants to Indigenous Garden

Knox Environment Society Nursery have very kindly donated 35 plants for our Indigenous Garden. This area of the school, located between the main admin building and the Year 1 & 2 classrooms, is getting a well-deserved facelift with new plants, stepping stones and art work on display. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the finished product. Many thanks to Mrs Maxwell and her crew of little gardeners who are busily working on this project.

State Schools Spectacular

The State Schools Spectacular took place at John Cain Arena last Saturday, 14th of September. Twenty kids from senior choir were involved as singers in the massed choir. The SSS involves nearly 1500 primary and secondary students from across the state. Last week was a busy one for the participating students, with two full dress rehearsal days on the Thursday and Friday, followed by two performances on the Saturday – an afternoon matinee and an evening show.

The school would like to say a huge thanks to parent Crista Lyon who assisted Mr. Fox at all rehearsals and performances.

The kids absolutely loved the experience, with many planning on auditioning to be principal vocalists in future years. One of this year’s principal vocalists, Mackenzie Ross (in Year 12 at Wantirna College), is a past student of Boronia Heights and attended State Schools Spec in the massed choir with Mr. Fox when she was in Year 6.

 Whooping cough

The following information comes from the Department of Education and Department of Health.

Whooping cough cases are continuing to increase across Victoria, particularly among school-aged children. Whooping cough is a very contagious infection, mostly spread through coughing or sneezing. Symptoms include:

  • blocked or runny nose
  • tiredness
  • mild fever
  • severe bouts of coughing, often followed by a ‘whooping’ sound on breathing.

Whooping cough can lead to life threatening infections in babies.

If your child is unwell, they should not attend school. Please see a doctor if you or your child develops whooping cough symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the spread of the infection.

Students diagnosed with whooping cough must not attend school.

If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, they must not attend school for 21 days after the onset of the cough, or until they have received 5 days of antibiotic treatment. You must notify the school if your child is diagnosed with whooping cough. To further reduce the spread of infection to your child and the school community, the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 require that some students who were in the same classroom as a student diagnosed with whooping cough should not attend school.

Your child should not attend school for 14 days after they were last exposed to a person diagnosed with whooping cough, or until they have taken 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment if they are:

  • aged less than 7 years; and
  • not fully vaccinated with 3 doses of whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine.

This exclusion is required by law – refer to the school exclusion table for primary schools and children’s services.

If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, please contact the school to let us know.

Final Message

I wish the entire BHPS community a happy and safe holiday break. Looking forward to seeing you all when school resumes on Monday 7th October.

Kind regards,

Mat Anderton

Dates to Remember

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Term Dates 2024

Term 1 29 January – 28 March
Term 2 15 April – 28 June
Term 3 15 July – 20 September
Term 4 7 October – 20 December



20 September Footy Day
20 September Whole School Assembly & Footy Parade 9.15am
20 September Last day of Term 3. Dismissal at 2.30pm
7 October First day of Term 4
8 October Hubster meeting 2.30pm
10 October Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting
11 October Prep Transition No1 of 4
11 October Year 3 excursion to Healesville Sanctuary
16 October Year 5 & 6 First Aid Incursion
17 October Year 2 Parent Info Webex for 2025 BYOD – 5.30pm
18 October Prep Transition No2 of 4
25 October Night Market
30 October Colour Run
4 November Curriculum Day
5 November Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
12 November Hubster meeting 6pm
20 November Year 5 Surfing Excursion
21 November Year 6 Surfing Excursion
20 December Last day of School. Dismissal at 1.30pm


School News

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Mountain Highway Intersection Upgrade Update

Upcoming Roadworks at Mountain Highway, Colchester Road & Albert Avenue Intersection

The team have been hard at work upgrading the Mountain Highway, Colchester Road, and Albert Avenue intersection in Boronia to improve traffic flow and pedestrian/cyclist safety. The project will include new traffic signals, additional lanes, and safer crossings, with completion expected by mid-2025.

The power is yours!

You might have spotted us bustling around the intersection yesterday, where we wrapped up some major power infrastructure upgrades! This important work sets the stage for the exciting next stage of the project lined up during the upcoming school holidays.

Colchester Road facelift

From Friday, 20 September to Monday, 7 October, we will work around the clock (except 27-28 September) to remove the top road layer on Colchester Road, lay new foundations, and install temporary markings and a temporary roundabout.

There’ll be a full closure of Colchester Road between Mountain Highway and Beresford Drive between 8pm and 6am, and a partial closure, allowing northbound traffic only on Colchester Road between 6am and 8pm. There will be no impact to any bus routes during these preliminary works.

Below are the detour maps during this period:

 A peak at the future!
Once the entire project is complete next year, here’s a sneak peak at what the ultimate intersection design will be — think safer crossings, improved traffic flow, and a fresh new look!

Bild Group and the Department of Planning and Transport thank you for your support as we continue to bring these improvements to life.

Contact Us: If you have questions, call or text 0400 400 091 or email For more details, visit VicRoads’ website and search for the Alchester Village Intersection Upgrade.





Achievements and Awards

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Principal’s Award Winners

Congratulations to our Term 2 Principal’s Award Winners!!

Year Level Name
Prep Olivia B
Year 1 Kailey S
Year 2 Olivia N
Year 3 Izabelle J
Year 4 Peyton
Year 5 Tyler C
Year 6 Rubi-Rose


Care Award Winners – Term 3 – Respect

Week  Year Level Name
Week 2 Prep All of the Preps
Year 1 Evie
Year 2 Tianah
Year 3 Alyssa
Year 4 Lana
Year 5 Blake
Year 6 Aiden
Week 4 Prep Phoebe
Year 1 Mackenzie
Year 2 Eden
Year 3 Evelyn
Year 4 Noah C
Year 5 Zavier
Year 6 Sam N
Week 6 Prep Sansa
Year 1 Zara
Year 2 April
Year 3 Madelyn
Year 4 Eshan
Year 5 Samuel
Year 6 Isla
Week 7 Prep Lucy
Year 1 Axel
Year 2 Ellie
Year 3 Indi
Year 4 Zara
Year 5 Aster
Year 6 Alex


Buildings & Grounds

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Bike Shed

The Bike Shed is finished!! Our Year 4s were able to load all their bikes in the shed on Monday after the bike checks in the morning.


Thanks to Cat Devlin for transplanting plants around the school above and beyond her position.


Leah Hodgson

Assistant Principal













From the Office

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School Saving Bonus

About the School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government is making life that little bit easier for families by providing a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.
This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms, textbooks, and school activities like camps, excursions and sports.
The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.
The School Saving Bonus will be provided to schools and families in Term 4, 2024.

Who receives the School Saving Bonus
The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of all Victorian government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.

Actions for parents and carers 
Parents and carers of children who meet the School Saving Bonus eligibility above are required to do the following by Friday 18 October 2024:

  • Complete enrolment

If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025, please complete enrolment. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.

  • Check your contact information

Ensure your contact information is up to date with your school. You can check this information by contacting your school directly.

Accessing the $400 School Saving Bonus
You do not need to apply for the School Saving Bonus.
The Department of Education will email you in November 2024 with your $400 School Saving Bonus. You will be able to access it via an online system.
You can decide how to best use the School Saving Bonus for your family’s needs. You can choose how to allocate the $400 in the online system.
The bonus can be used towards 2025 school costs, which may include:

  • camps, trips, excursions and incursions
  • swimming and sporting programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • graduations
  • school uniforms.

The bonus can be used at your school’s approved textbook or uniform suppliers either in-store or online, or through State Schools’ Relief. The list of suppliers may include a school uniform or bookshop. Any amount that you choose to allocate to textbooks and uniforms will be valid until 30 June 2025. It will then transfer to your child’s school account for future activities.
Funds will roll over for use in future years if it is not all spent in 2025.

Families with more than one eligible child 
Families who have more than one child at the same school can combine their School Saving Bonus payments to use on one child, or for a specific activity. So, for example, a family with 3 children who are all government school students would receive support to the value of $1,200 and choose how they spend those funds. The School Saving Bonus cannot be combined across different schools.

More information 
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus visit Translated information will also be available on the School Saving Bonus website in the next few weeks.


Name Your Belongings

We know you treasure your uniform and books. Please remember to label all uniform, books and belongings coming to school. Like most years, we have had an incredible amount of lost property through the year. The majority was unnamed, along with illegible tags. We would love lost items to boomerang back to your kids.

The Hubsters

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Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser

Thank you to our fantastic community for the great support in our fundraiser. Our school raised just over $6500 which will go towards upgrading our Prep playground. Congratulations to the Hoare and Hopkinson families for selling the most chocolates. They sold a massive eight boxes each. A wonderful effort! Both families received a Coles Myer Gift Card today as a Thank You.

Market Night – Friday 25th October 2024

We are in need for volunteers for each year level stalls. If you can spare an hour please click on the link below to add your name to the list.

Prep – Chocolate Drop Stall

Year 1 – Lucky Dip Stall

Year 2 – Bake Sale

Year 3 – Secondhand Book Stall

Year 4 – Face Painting

Year 5 – Hot Dogs, Drinks & Zooper Doopers

Year 6 – Coloured Hair

Hubsters – Scavenger Hunt & Raffle

The Market night is a fabulous night for our community but we do need support to make it successful.

Leah Hodgson
Boronia Heights Hubsters







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Community News

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