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State School Spectacular

Science Week 2024

National Science Week 2024 – Save the Species Diorama

Thank you to all the students and parents for their diorama entries in this year’s National Science Week. The theme this year was, ‘Species Survival – More Than Just Sustainability’, which aimed to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival of different species in an ever-changing world.

Behind every amazing artistic creation (some even using real moss!) was thorough planning and research. Ideas ranged from drones monitoring parrots to wildlife bridges over roads – each focusing on the dangers the animal faced and how science could be utilised to assist these creatures.

I would like to thank everyone again for engaging with this year’s topic and hope that it leads to a lifetime of ecological awareness.

Diorama Entries:

Angela 4A – Polar Bears

Arlo 1C – African Elephants

Chloe 2C – Bilby

Clodagh 3B – Sperm Whale

Edmund 3A and Tristan 1B – Kakapo

Ella Prep A – Koalas

Evie A 4C – Polar Bears

Evie S 1C – Turtles

Georgia 4C – Mountain Beavers

Hannah 4B – Three Toed Sloths

Isla 5A – Turtles

Lukas 3C – Wombats

Mia 3B – Seals

Myla Prep C – Wildlife Animals

Ollie 3A – Tigers

Olivia 5C – Pandas

Savannah 2B – Turtles

Tanya 1B – Wildlife Animals

Wren 4A – Parrots

Mr Carlos Milan

Mountain Highway Intersection Upgrade Update

Exciting Milestone Achieved on Boronia Intersection Upgrade!

We are excited to share some fantastic news about the Mountain Highway, Colchester Road, and Albert Avenue intersection upgrade in Boronia! We’re transforming the old roundabout into a signalized intersection with extra lanes and safer crossings for both pedestrians and cyclists.

Over the past two weeks, the project team worked around the clock to make huge strides during our scheduled nightworks by:

Bild Group and the Department of Planning and Transport thank you for your support as we continue to bring these improvements to life.

Contact Us: If you have questions, call or text 0400 400 091 or email For more details, visit VicRoads’ website and search for the Alchester Village Intersection Upgrade.

Bild Group





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