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School Swimming Trials

I would like to congratulate the following students and their parents for registering and attending the school swimming trials on the morning of Tuesday 6th at Knox Leisureworks:

Paige 3B, Sammy 3B, Fletcher 3C, Alexandra 4A, Lana 4B, Lucy 4B, Audrey 4B, Christon 4C, Samuel 5A, Zoe 5A, Mackenzie 5B, Darcy 5C, Samantha 5C, Riley 6A, & William 6C.

These students did a wonderful job swimming a mix of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke – there was even a couple of PBs!

Some of these students will be representing our school at the Rowville District Swimming competition on Friday 16th February, and we wish them all the best!


School Cross Country event

This year’s Whole School Cross country event has had to be brought forward due to the district cross country date being changed. We will be holding our school cross country run on Friday 1st March. The older students (Years 3-6) will still complete some of their run outside of the school boundaries – although the course will be slightly different this year. We would really appreciate the help of some parents to act as course marshals on the 1st between 9-10:30am. If you are able to assist and have a Working With Childrens Check, can you please email me as soon as possible.

The Prep-Year 2 students will also be completing a cross country run on the 1st, however, this run will be completed within the school grounds and after recess.

Athletics Day

Our athletics day will be occurring on Thursday 21st March. The Year 3-6 students will be catching buses down to Bill Sewart athletics track in Burwood. If there are any parents who are free and interested in assisting on the day (even if you have zero experience), then I would love to hear from you. We are looking for parents who can assist from 9am until approximately 3pm. Please email me ( ) if you can assist with athletics. Thank you in advance.


Shae Warren
Physical Education Teacher and Sport Co-ordinator

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