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CARE Ticket Winners

Term 1 Week 8


Sadie – Prep A Scarlett – Prep A Joshua – 1A
Mason – 1D Lucy B – 3B


Liam – 4B Josh – 4B Maddi T – 4C
Ellah – 5A Chloe H – 6C

Student of the Week

Term 1 Week 8

Prep A Arlo Prep B Zahalia
Prep C Izzy Prep D Ava
1A Brooklyn 1B Eden
1C Jacob 1D Darcy
2A Quinn 2B Ted
2C Emilee-Kate 2D Quinn
3A Noah 3B Jaxx
3C Sienna L
4A Zoe E 4B Lawson
4B Nathan 4CC Madi
5A Erinne 5B Archer
5C Taylor H
6A Maya 6B Ashley
6C Chloe H  
Monet of the Week Lachlan – 1C Sportsperson of the Week Cale B – 5A
Inventors COG Award Alex – 4C German Award Aarushi – 6A
Maestro of the Week Samuel – 4C German Award 2A

*Student consent to publish not received.


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